OHMNI Original Silver Street Shield ® Faraday fabric's work by utilizing the principles of a Faraday cage to block or shield against electrical signals, electromagnetic radiation (EMR), and radio frequency interference (RFI).

This fabric is woven with conductive materials such as Silver, Copper or Nickel, which have excellent electrical conductivity.

When electromagnetic waves, including Wi-Fi, 3G, 4G & 5G, encounter the conductive surface of the Faraday fabric, the fabric acts as a barrier. The conductive material creates a path for the electromagnetic waves to travel along its surface rather than passing through it. This interaction causes the waves to be reflected off the surface due to the free electrons in the metal.

The combination of reflection, absorption, and attenuation effectively prevents the electromagnetic waves from penetrating through the fabric, thereby blocking electrical signals at up to 99.999% effectiveness.

OHM's Resistance

EMF Shielding

RFID Blocking

Electrical Conductivity


48% Copper-Nickel


36% Copper-Nickel


88% Silver

OHMNI Original Silver Street Shield ® Textiles Independent Lab Report

Achieving 73.1 - 78.1 dB Shielding Effectiveness

Test Report 1
Test Report 2
Test Report 3
Test Report 4